About this course: In this episode of Experts in Psychotherapy, A/Professor Rodrigo Becerra interviews Distinguished Professor John Norcross on the principles and merits of psychotherapy integration – an approach that involves integrating multiple different models and methods of psychotherapy to best fit particular patients (rather than being tied to a single model). The overarching goal of psychotherapy integration is to increase the effectiveness of psychotherapy.
Professor John Norcross is Distinguished Professor and Chair of Psychology at the University of Scranton (USA), a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at SUNY Upstate Medical University, a past-president of the American Psychological Association (Division of Psychotherapy and the Division of Clinical Psychology), a past-president of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, and a practicing clinical psychologist. He has authored over 400 journal articles and books, primarily on the theory and practice of psychotherapy.
Format: 67 minute video interview